收入不平等、流动性约束与中国家庭储蓄率(与甘犁、赵乃宝合作),《经济研究》,2018年第12期(通讯作者). Drilling Down: The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Housing Prices (with Valerie, Grossman; Enrique, Martínez-García; Luis, Bernardo Torres), The Energy Journal, 2019, 40(01): 59-84. High-Speed Railway and Regional Productivity Disparities (with Xiaoqian Liu; Han Li; Changan Wang), Growth and change, 2021, 53(2): 680-701. Entrepreneurs, Organizational Members, Political Participation and Preferential Treatment: Evidence from China (with Chen, Zhao; Newman, Alexander; Xu, Wei), International Small Business Journal, 2012, 30(8): 873-889.