“中国家庭的资产配置是最优的吗?《经济研究》2023第一期 (Are Chinese household’s asset allocation optimal? A welfare evaluation based on subjective expectation of housing return)” (with Yuting Wang, Bing Xu, and Naibao Zhao) · “Child-raising cost and fertility from a contest perspective” (with Bing Xu). Public Choice. 186:9-28 (2021). · "Will the needs-based planning of health human resources currently undertaken in several countries lead to excess supply and inefficiency? Rejoinder" (with Kisalaya Basu). Health Economics. 26: 822-824 (2017). · "Generalized Reinforcement Learning in Perfect-Information Games" (with Bing Xu). International Journal of Game Theory. 45:985-1011 (2016). · "Will the needs-based planning of health human resources currently undertaken in several countries lead to excess supply and inefficiency?" (with Kisalaya Basu). Health Economics. 25: 101-110 (2016). "Gender Ratio under China’s Two-Child Policy" (with Bing Xu). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 119: 289-307 (2015). · "Stochastic Stability and Time-Dependent Mutations" Games and Economic Behavior. 64:650-665 (2008).