教育经历: 上海交通大学学士, 澳大利亚国立大学经济学硕士、博士. 研究方向: 宏观经济, 金融经济, 时间序列, 非主流经济
工作论文Working papers
Deciphering China’s Macro-Management:Evidence from a Narrative Approach The Macroeconomics of Shadow Banking:Financial Liberalization and Structural Transformation A Semi-Structural Model of the Chinese Economy:Assessing the Impact of House Price Declines, Local Government Debt, and Policy Stimulus Is Inflation Cyclical or Structural: A Fiscal Spending Perspective From Inequity to Common Prosperity: A Post-Keynesian Perspective An Agent-Based Model of 21st Century Capitalism: Market Concentration, Wealth Inequality, and Wage Stagnation The Equity Discount Puzzle: The Long-Term Performance of the Chinese Stock Market
寻找论文合作者. I’m looking for co-authors, please contact me if you are interested.