主题:无效风险与技术市场中的价值:PAE 专利收购的证据
主持人:hy5902海洋之神 叶阳副教授
主办单位:经济与管理研究院 科研处
徐明弢,清华大学经管学院创新创业与战略系助理教授,其研究主要方向包括知识产权、专利诉讼、产权制度和人工智能(AI)等,研究成果发表于Academy of Management Review, Organization Science及Journal of Management等国际权威期刊。徐明弢博士毕业于普渡大学,曾于路易斯安那州立大学任教。
企业在战略要素市场中获取资源时会根据其资源的预期价值做出获取决策。由于企业从资源中获取价值的机制不同,因此它们的资源估值以及它们认为有吸引力的资源类型可能存在很大差异。利用专利交易数据,我们发现,与其他公司相比,专利主张实体 (PAE) 获得了更广泛传播的技术和更广泛范围的专利。此外,在《美国发明法案》削弱了诉讼价值之后,PAE 的专利获取量普遍下降,但对高诉讼价值专利的偏好却有所增强。我们提供理论论据和经验证据,将企业的异质价值占有方法及其获取异质资源的决策联系起来。
Firms acquiring resources in the strategic factor market base acquisition decisions on their anticipated value of resources. Because firms differ in their mechanisms to appropriate value from resources, they can differ substantially in their resource valuations and the types of resources they find attractive to acquire. Using patent transactions data, we show that patent assertion entities (PAEs), which focus on assertive monetization, acquired patents of more widely diffused technologies and broader scopes, compared to other firms. Further, after the America Invents Act weakened assertive monetization, PAEs witnessed a general decline in their patent acquisition but a strengthening of their preferences for these types of patents. We contribute theoretical arguments and empirical evidence linking together firms’ heterogeneous value appropriation methods and their decisions to acquire heterogeneous resources.