近期,我院刘奕副教授与合作者的论文“The Role of Lockups in Stock Mergers”在经济管理领域顶级期刊《Management Science》上正式发表。《Management Science》期刊创办于1954年,由美国运筹学与管理学学会主办,是经济管理领域历史悠久、口碑极高的顶级期刊,并被广泛收录于各种国际顶级期刊目录,如UTD24, FT50和ABS(4*), 其2023年影响因子为4.6,近五年影响因子为6.1。
We document the frequent use of stock lockup agreements in mergers and acquisitions (M&As) paid in stock and examine the corporate determinants and consequences of the use and duration of lockups. Lockup agreements prohibit target shareholders from selling shares issued by the acquirer as a means of payment for a prespecified period. We find support for the hypothesis that target shareholders agree to lockups to precommit to hold on to the acquirer’s stock if they believe the merger’s long-term fundamentals are strong. Consistent with our hypothesis, lockups come with larger acquirer announcement returns, particularly when acquirer valuations are high; ex ante, lockup adoption likelihood increases with acquirers’ valuation. Lockups also come with higher deal completion likelihood, shorter merger negotiations, and higher long-term operating performance. We conclude the market interprets lockups as a signal of strong fundamentals, particularly when acquirers’ valuations are high.
