Title:Multi-region comparison of emission performance: The structural decomposition analysis approach
Speaker:Su Bin, the National University of Singapore; Jianlei Zhang, PHD student, RIEM
Host:Dayong Zhang, professor, RIEM
Time:9:30-12:00, Oct.12, Wedensday
Venue: Gezhi building 1211, Liulin Campus
Abstract: Temporal decomposition analysis has been widely used to evaluate the driving forces to the historical changes of an aggregate indicators in economics, energy and environmental areas over time. Spatial decomposition analysis looks into variations of an aggregate indicator (e.g. total energy/emissions, or their intensities) between regions, which is similar to benchmarking analysis. Two popular decomposition techniques are index decomposition analysis (IDA) and structural decomposition analysis (SDA). Ang BW, Xu XY and Su B (2015; Energy Economics) study the methodology issues in spatial-IDA analysis applied to multi-region comparison of energy performance. The work cannot be simply extended to spatial-SDA because there are several features associated with the I-O framework that are unique to SDA.