Title:Moment restrictions and identification in linear dynamic panel data models
Speaker:Dr. Sen Xue, Associate professor , University of Jinan
Host:Guochang Zhao, Associate professor, RIEM
Time:Nov. 11, Friday,14:00-15:30, Sen Xue;15:30-16:30, Jiajia Li
Venue: Yide building H503, Liulin Campus
Abstract: This paper investigates the relationship between moment restrictions and identification in simple linear AR(1) dynamic panel data models with fixed effects under standard minimal assumptions. The number of time periods is assumed to be small. The assumptions imply linear and quadratic moment restrictions which can be used for GMM estimation. The paper makes three points. First, contrary to common belief, the linear moment restrictions may fail to identify the autoregressive parameter even when it is known to be less than 1. Second, the quadratic moment restrictions provide full or partial identification in many of the cases where the linear moment restrictions do not. Third, the first moment restrictions can also be important for identification. Practical implications of the findings are illustrated using Monte Carlo simulations.